Sunday, March 2, 2014

Denver Pile-Up - Do we all need Driver's Ed?

When I first moved to Denver 6 years ago I was driving a van in the snow with balding tires (couldn't afford new ones). I'm so glad (and lucky) that I didn't cause one of these. There were a few times I lost control of my vehicle for sure. Once I found myself doing donuts in the middle of a 3-lane road IN ONCOMING TRAFFIC. Driving in the snow is a learned skill; something I think should be taken into account when you get your license here. Personally, and I'm not usually for more regulations, I think snow training needs to be a focus in driver's ed AND we need to start training kids a little earlier, for a longer duration of time, how to drive in different conditions. It's FAR too easy to get a license. At 37 I finally understand what "driving is a privilege not a right" means. I don't think learning on the road unsupervised is a good way to be a safe driver *for life*. That method of learning often brings out the worst in even the best people. Driving laws should be DRILLED into the heads of the youth like multiplication tables and grammar. And kids should be driving with supervision for at least a few years before getting their full license. Beyond that I think people should have to take a full driving exam every 10 years thereafter. Doing this would be a pro-active way to handle our driving problems and generate revenue for the city, rather than the reactive way of handing out citations like candy after a problem has already occurred. At least, That's my three cents.